General Office

What if I only need a routine eye exam or new frames & lenses? (Top)

Our friends at Image Optical would love to give you an eye exam to make sure that your eyes are healthy, and then find the right prescription to help you see the world with amazing clarity.  They also have all the top brands and fashions to make you stand out! They are located inside the Madison HealthPlex, and you don't even need an appointment.  Click here for more information.

Is an appointment necessary? (Top)

We encourage patients to call or use our website to request an appointment time. If you are experiencing an ocular emergency please call our office immediately. Emergencies are given first priority.

How do I make an appointment? (Top)

You may call (601) 985-9120, fill out the online form or email us at [email protected]

What are the office hours? (Top)

Patients are normally seen between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. We close from noon to 1 for lunch.


Is eyelid surgery covered by insurance? (Top)

Some insurance plans will cover upper eyelid surgery if they can be convinced that there is a functional impairment caused by the droopy upper eyelid skin. These impairments include: 

  • Restricted upper field of vision 
  • Symptoms of eyelid irritation attributed to the redundant eyelid skin 
  • Eyelid skin laying on the eyelashes 

Each insurer is different, and their response will vary patient to patient. Lower eyelid surgery is virtually never covered by insurance.

Is LASIK covered under my health insurance plan? (Top)

LASIK is a refractive surgery and is considered "cosmetic" by most insurance carriers. It is not covered by health insurance.

Will my insurance cover my procedure? (Top)

A few insurance companies do pay for all or part of vision correction procedures. You can check with you plan administrator, or we will be happy to make a copy of your insurance card and check coverage for you. Many people have medical flex plans they use to save up to 50 percent on their procedure by using pre-tax dollars. Your employer’s human resources department can tell you whether you have this benefit. Vision correction also may be tax deductible as a medical expense (check with your financial advisor). We accept cash, personal checks, and credit cards.

What insurance plans are accepted? (Top)

We participate in most major medical insurance plans. If you have questions about your coverage, please contact your insurance company to ensure we are on their provider list prior to making your appointment.

Eye Health & Vision

Are drugstore magnifying glasses safe to use? (Top)

Over-the-counter magnifiers do work well for many people, especially if they do not have astigmatism and have fairly equal need for correction in each eye.

My contact lenses are extended wear. Can I sleep with them in? (Top)

Although such lenses are approved for extended wear, we do not recommend sleeping with them in. The risk for infection is multiplied greatly by sleeping with them. The moment of seeing the alarm clock upon awakening is not worth the risk of a sight-threatening infection.

Can I use my eyeglasses prescription to buy over-the-counter contact lenses by mail or at a discount warehouse? (Top)

No. The prescription for glasses only takes into account the strength of the lenses, but not the curve of the cornea on which a contact lens must rest. A complete evaluation is necessary to fit contact lenses, including assessment of the tear film and a special set of surface curve measurements to assure a safe fit. Even once lenses are fitted, repeated checkups are necessary to assure the lenses do not tighten as the eye eventually gets used to the lens and reduces its efforts to wash the lens out by tearing.

Will reading a lot or watching television hurt my eyes? (Top)

No. Eyes are meant to see. If you use them a lot, they will tire, just like any other part of the body. They need to rest every so often.

Is reading in dim light harmful? (Top)

Though the eye has to work harder with less contrast in dimmer light, there is no damage caused by reading or writing in dim light. In very dark rooms, the high resolution area of the retina called the macula is not active, and vision is naturally less crisp.

What do you need to do during a Visual Field test? (Top)

Keep your eye steady, looking straight ahead, and wait for the test target to come into your sight. Don't move your eye to look for it. Promptly press the machine's button (or answer aloud if asked) as soon as you think you see the target. Don't worry about how well you are doing the test. The test may seem difficult. If you think you need to rest during an examination, tell the technician.

What are common complaints about visual field testing? (Top)

The visual field examination is important to detect many diseases that affect the eye, optic nerve or brain. One way for your ophthalmologist to tell if you have glaucoma is to detect the small blind spots that begin to appear in the early stage of the disease. By repeating the test in the future, your physician can then tell if the small blind spots are getting larger. The visual field test provides information which no other test can. Your ophthalmologist will interpret the results and discuss them with you.

How is a visual field testing done? (Top)

During a visual field test, one eye is temporarily patched. You are asked to look straight ahead at a fixed space and to watch for targets to appear in your field of vision. Because it is also a test of your side vision, it is very important that you keep looking straight ahead. Do not move your eyes to look for the target but wait until a light appears in your side vision.

There are two kinds of tests:

  1. Moving targets: Targets are moved from where you can’t see them (beyond your side vision) in towards the center of vision until you do see them. The test can be done with either a black screen on a wall (tangent testing) or with a large bowl-shaped instrument (Goldmann testing) 
  2. Fixed Targets: This test uses small targets that appear bright or dim but do not move (computerized static perimetry). You will sit in a chair facing either a bowl-shaped instrument or a computer screen. The targets appear briefly.

How is a chalazion treated? (Top)

At the beginning signs of a chalazion, warm compresses should be applied to the eyelid several times daily. The chalazion may come to a "point" on either the inside or outside of the eyelid. If the chalazion is more serious, antibiotic or steroid eye drops or eye ointment may need to be administered. If there is still no improvement and the condition seems to worsen, an ophthalmologist may inject a local anesthetic into the eyelid and make a small incision to drain the chalazion.

What are the symptoms of a chalazion? (Top)

A chalazion usually starts out as a small painless lump in either your lower or upper eyelid. If the chalazion becomes infected it may grow larger and become more painful. In severe cases, the infected lump could cause the eyelid to become red and swollen, or even cause the entire side of your head to hurt.

What is a chalazion? (Top)

A chalazion is a small inflammed lump or cyst in the eyelid. It is not a stye. A stye is an infection that occurs in the lash gland. A chalazion occurs in an internal gland of the eyelid.

How are pterygia and pingueculas treated? (Top)

Less severe pterygia and pingueculas can be left untreated and do not cause any discomfort to the individual. Artificial tears or lubricating eye drops can be used for irritation. If irritation persists despite the eye drops a small percentage of people with pingueculas may benefit from surgical removal. Advanced pterygia may grow to such an extent that they may block vision. In these cases, surgery is usually required. Surgical removal of pterygia or pingueculae can typically be performed under local anesthesia with the patient returning home the same day.

What causes pterygia and pingueculas and how do I know if I have this condition? (Top)

The growth is usually white in color, but it may also be gray or yellow. They are more commonly seen in people from sunny or windy climates. People who are exposed to UV radiation and do not wear eye protection are more likely to develop a pinguecula or pterygia. Pingueculas are usually benign causing only tearing and irritation. Pterygia generally cause more symptoms. In more severe cases of pterygia, there can be tension on the cornea and astigmatism (irregularly shaped cornea) develops, requiring correction with astigmatic glasses.

What are pterygia and pingueculas? (Top)

Pterygia and pingueculas are among the most commonly encountered eye conditions treated by Ophthalmologists. It is a fleshy appearing growth of conjunctival tissue. The conjunctiva is the clear membrane which covers the white portion or sclera of the eye. The growth usually begins in the corner of the eye closest to the nose. A pinguecula is sometimes a precursor to a pterygium. If the pinguecula continues to proliferate onto the cornea (the clear outer layer of the front of the eye) it is known as a pterygium. When this happens, vision loss may occur.

How can you prevent getting styes? (Top)

Styes can be prevented if you avoid touching or rubbing your eyes with unclean hands. Never share eye makeup - this can spread styes from person to person.

How is a stye treated? (Top)

Most styes will resolve by themselves by draining either outward or inward. A warm compress can be applied to the area, however, remember that this cloth should not be used for anything else in order to prevent further spread of the infection. Avoid using makeup when you have a stye. In some cases, the stye may need to be treated with antibiotic drops or drained by your ophthalmologist.

What is a stye? (Top)

A stye or hordeolum is a bacterial infection (usually staphyloccal) of the tiny glands at the base of an eyelid. Signs that you may have a stye are aching, redness, or tenderness around one or more of the "roots" of your eyelashes. The presence of a stye may be irritating, but they do not pose a threat to your vision.

How are floaters and flashes treated? (Top)

Floaters and flashes are common symptoms that are usually but not always harmless. Floaters are cloudy specks or particles within the eye that seem to float about in the field of vision. They are most easily observed when looking at a white wall. In actuality, these floaters are not in front of your eye, but rather they are floating inside your eye. They are condensations inside the vitreous humor (jelly-like fluid that fills the inside of your eye). Floaters can have different shapes: little dots, circles, lines, clouds or cobwebs. Flashes, on the other hand, are momentary streaks of light, and could indicate a serious problem such as posterior vitreous detachment or retinal tear.

How Are Lasers Used for Diabetic Retinopathy? (Top)

Patients who have had diabetes for a long time, especially insulin-dependent diabetes, are subject to diabetic retinopathy, a condition with problems caused by leakage, blockage, or bleeding from the tiny blood vessels in the retina. As the retinopathy progresses, abnormal new blood vessels can grow along the surface of the retina, and later into the vitreous (gel-like fluid in the center of the eye). If those blood vessels rupture and bleed, they can obscure vision, cause scarring and retinal detachment, and lead to further decrease or even total loss of vision in the affected eye. When there is evidence of retinal edema (swelling) or growth of new blood vessels along the surface of the retina or into the vitreous, laser surgery on the retina may improve the retinopathy.

What causes wet and dry macular degeneration? (Top)

Dry macular degeneration is where macular cells do not function properly. In wet macular degeneration, leaking blood vessels cause swelling and scarring of the macula.

How is macular degeneration corrected? (Top)

Unfortunately, there is no way to restore vision lost from dry macular degeneration. However, it should be carefully monitored because it can turn into the more serious wet macular degeneration. If wet macular degeneration occurs and is caught early, laser treatment may help slow further vision loss.

What is macular degeneration? (Top)

Macular degeneration is also commonly referred to as age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) because it is a disease that occurs mostly in people over the age of fifty, however, it can also occur in younger people. The macula is a tiny area at the center of the retina. The retina is in the back of the eye and it is the part of the eye that the images we see get focused on. The macula is the part of the retina that is responsible for helping us to see fine detail. Macular degeneration is an eye disease that affects the "macula" or the part of the eye that is responsible for fine central vision, leaving the peripheral or side vision clear. There are two types of macular degeneration: dry and wet. Dry macular degeneration is more common. A person with this problem may notice wavy lines or spots in the center of their vision, or colors may looked faded and washed out. Wet macular degeneration is less common but more serious. A person with wet macular degeneration often has a quick loss of vision. They may notice blank or dark spots in the center of their vision.

What is dry eye and how can it be treated? (Top)

Some people do not produce enough tears to keep the eye lubricated in normal situations. These people will complain of burning, stinging, scratchiness, mucous discharge, excessive tearing, eye irritation and difficulty wearing contact lenses. Dry eye syndrome is often associated with menopause, arthritis and affects women more often than men. Dry eyes can also be caused by decreased tear secretion secondary to the use of many medications. The main form of treatment for dry eyes is tear supplements, in the form of drops, gel or ointment. Conserving tears, by blocking their drainage from the eye, is a second step in the management of dry eyes. Restasis is a medication that is sometimes prescribed to help treat the cause of dry eyes.

What is glaucoma and how can it be treated? (Top)

Glaucoma is a disease which can lead to damage of the optic nerve of the eye which can result in blindness. Open-angle glaucoma, the most common type of glaucoma, affects about 3 million Americans. At first there are no symptoms, but over the years it can steal your sight. With early treatment, you can often protect your eyes against serious vision loss and blindness. Although glaucoma can never be cured, you can be treated in order to control the disease. This makes early diagnosis and treatment important to protect your sight. Eye drops are the first line of treatment in most cases, with the objective to lower the intraocular pressure to a safe level. This may require one or several different drops to achieve adequate lowering of the pressure within the eye. If medical therapy fails, laser surgery can then be tried to lower the eye pressure. Conventional surgery, which creates a new opening for fluid to leave the eye, can be performed as a last resort. Remember that the treatment for glaucoma may not restore lost sight - peripheral vision loss from glaucoma is irreversible, but early detection and treatment is the key to preserving your sight.

Why do I need bifocals? (Top)

Independent of near sightedness or far-sightedness, the eye possesses "zoom power" to focus objects as they get closer to the eye. As we age, the crystalline lens and muscles in the eye stiffen, with a loss of "zoom capacity" up close.

What is far-sightedness? (Top)

An eye in which the crystalline lens is too weak, or the eye is relatively short, images are focused behind the retina. Objects far away are clearer than images close by.

What is near-sightedness? (Top)

When the crystalline lens is too strong, or the eye longer than average, the image is focused in front of the retina, the eye is near-sighted. The more near-sighted the eye, the closer objects must be to remain in focus.

What is astigmatism? (Top)

Astigmatism exists when the cornea or lens is oval-shaped (more like a football), rather than spherical (like a basketball)--with one aspect more curved than another. The glasses need to correct both curves separately. In order to be able to successfully wear such glasses, however, a person must get used to them early in life to avoid headaches, nausea and distortion. Often compromises must be made in the glasses prescribed for reasons of comfort. Therefore it is really important to bring old glasses with which you are comfortable even if they are bent or broken to your eye appointment, so that any new glasses prescribed take into account any compromises previously made with your old prescription.

If I choose to have monovision, does that mean I’ll never need reading glasses? (Top)

Not necessarily. The effects of presbyopia continue to worsen as you get older, whether or not you have monovision. At some point in time, reading glasses or another vision correction procedure may become necessary. The benefit to having monovision is that there won’t be a complete dependence on glasses for close vision. Many who have monovision are able to see well enough both at distance and near to do things at any age without corrective lenses.

What does 20/20 mean? 20/200? (Top)

When a patient can see at 20 feet what a normal eye can see at twenty feet, that is recorded as 20/20. If a patient needs to get within 20 feet to see an object that a normal eye can see at 200 feet, that is recorded as 20/200. This number is referred to as visual acuity.

What does refraction mean? (Top)

Refraction is the term used when determining which prescription to provide an individual.

How often should an adult's eyes be examined? (Top)

In the absence of symptoms, the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) recommends that young healthy adults ages 20-39 and with no risk factors should be screened at least once during that period; those between 40-64 every 2-4 years, and those 65 or older every 1-2 years. Hereditary risks for ocular disease require more frequent checkups. There are a number of diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid disease, rheumatoid arthritis, colitis, AIDS/ HIV, to name a few, and taking certain oral medications that carry a heightened risk for eye complications. African Americans, or any patient with a family history of glaucoma should be screened yearly. You should ask your ophthalmologist or primary care doctor when and how often you need to be checked.


Can I have laser vision correction while I am pregnant or trying to conceive? (Top)

Pregnancy can affect your vision, therefore if you are pregnant or trying to conceive, you should not have laser vision correction. You should wait several months after your pregnancy or after you finish nursing before having laser vision correction.

What are the benefits of laser eye surgery? (Top)

Laser vision correction reduces or eliminates your dependence on contact lenses and glasses, so there is a cost savings in not buying new frames and contacts. Some people find wearing glasses or contacts uncomfortable or inconvenient, particularly while participating in some sports. Some patients just want to be able to see the clock when they wake up.

How does laser eye surgery work? (Top)

An excimer laser delivers short pulses of a cool beam of ultraviolet light that removes a small amount of corneal tissue, usually less than the thickness of a human hair. The corneal curvature is adjusted to reduce the refractive error (how out of focus the eye is) and, therefore reduces or eliminates the need for glasses or contact lenses.

Do I have to go without my contacts before having laser vision correction? (Top)

Depending on which type of LASIK surgery the patient has time will vary on how long to be out of contacts. If you are wearing hard or gas permeable contacts, it’s important that you remove them at least three weeks prior to your exam. Soft lenses should be out for at least two weeks before your exam if having the Custom LASIK. Soft contact lens should be out for at least 1 week prior to the exam if having the Conventional LASIK. Soft toric lenses may need to be out longer. Your doctor will advise you how long you need to be out of your contacts prior to your exam and prior to your surgery.

How old do I have to be for laser vision correction? (Top)

You need to be over 18 years of age, and your glasses or contact lens prescription should not have changed in the last year. If your eye is still changing from year to year, you should not have the procedure until the cornea is stable.

In the LASIK procedure what keeps the flap in position? (Top)

Following your procedure, the flap stays in position without the need for stitches. Initially, there is a vacuum effect created by the cells lining the inner surface of the cornea. As the eye heals over the first few days, the epithelium (the outer surface of the cornea) seals the edges of the flap.

Is laser vision correction safe? (Top)

There are possible risks with any surgical procedure. Serious complications with LASIK is extremely rare. The chance of having a vision-reducing complication from LASIK has been documented in clinical studies to be less than one percent. Many of the risks and complications associated with this procedure can be reduced or eliminated through careful patient selection and thorough pre-operative testing using the latest diagnostic technology. After laser vision correction, you may experience some visual side effects. These are usually mild and most often diminish over a few days to a few weeks. But there is a slight chance that some of these side effects won’t go away completely, such as feelings of dryness, glare and halos. If after a thorough examination we decide you are a good candidate for laser vision correction, you will be given additional information about the procedure that will allow you to make an informed decision about whether to proceed. Be sure you have all your questions answered to your satisfaction. If you would like additional information about risks and complications now, you may download our ’consent for surgery’ form by going to Patient Forms.

What will my vision be like after LASIK? (Top)

This depends largely on the amount of correction required. Most people require a low to moderate degree of laser vision correction that should result in vision similar to that with glasses or contact lenses. Vision is usually blurry in the first day or two after the laser vision correction procedure. It is expected that most patients should be able to legally drive without correction within 1 week.

Are there any risks with LASIK? (Top)

Every surgical procedure, including LASIK, has some potential risk. Risks include over-correction, under-correction, corneal scarring and even loss of vision. We will gladly review all the risks and benefits of LASIK with you, and your visit is never over until all your questions have been answered.

Do I need an eye exam first before LASIK? (Top)

Before treatment you will have a thorough eye examination to determine whether your eyes are healthy and suitable for laser vision correction. If you have been wearing contact lenses, it is important that the lenses are removed prior to the examination. The rule of thumb is to remove the lenses seven to 10 days if they are soft lenses and two to three weeks if they are gas permeable or hard lenses. A detailed video and computer image is taken of your eye that will detail the curvature, shape and overall smoothness and regularity of the cornea. Corneal thickness measurements are taken and refractive stability is verified.

Is LASIK safe? (Top)

More than 1 million laser vision correction procedures have been performed worldwide in the past 10 years. Data obtained during exhaustive clinical trials show that all patients experience a significant improvement in uncorrected vision (vision without glasses or contact lenses) after laser vision correction. Infection is a rare but treatable complication.

What about nighttime side-effects after LASIK? (Top)

You have probably seen news stories about people having difficulty driving at night after refractive surgery. Nighttime side-effects may include halos, starbursts, and glare around lights and blurry vision. Some of these can be caused by overcorrection, undercorrection, or residual astigmatism. These effects usually diminish as the eye heals in the first three to six months. Sometimes additional touch-up (enhancement) procedures will be recommended. Another possible cause of nighttime side-effects is pupil size. At night, the pupil expands to let in more light. Light coming through the peripheral cornea may be out of focus if the pupil opens beyond the laser treatment area. This is why some patients are not good candidates for LASIK if they have very large pupils.

Will both eyes be corrected with LASIK on the same day? (Top)

For most LASIK procedures, both eyes will be corrected on the same day. The patient has the choice of doing one eye at a time, most patients choose to do both eyes.

Do I qualify for vision correction (laser eye surgery)? (Top)

The basic guidelines for having laser vision correction include:

  • You must be at least 18 years of age 
  • Have healthy eyes
  • Have stable vision (Your prescription should not have changed in the past 12 months.) 

You will need a comprehensive eye exam which will help us determine if you are a good candidate for laser eye surgery, and if so, which particular type of surgery is best suited to your visual needs.

Will I have 20/20 vision following laser vision correction? (Top)

The goal of any refractive surgical procedure is to reduce your dependence on corrective lenses. However, we cannot guarantee you will have 20/20 vision as a result. Our commitment to you is that we will not perform laser vision correction on you or anyone we feel does not have a good possibility of achieving independence from glasses and contacts. The vast majority of our patients are extremely happy with their results and can do most activities without dependence on corrective lenses after laser vision correction.

Do I need to take time off work for LASIK surgery? (Top)

Following LASIK, most patients return to work the day after their procedure.

Is LASIK covered under my healthy insurance plan? (Top)

LASIK is a refractive surgery and is considered "cosmetic" by most insurance carriers. It is not covered by health insurance.

Will LASIK hurt? (Top)

There is no pain during any of the laser vision procedures since anesthetic eye drops numb your eyes, although some patients may experience mild discomfort or a pressure sensation during their procedure after LASIK, you might experience mild irritation for a few days after your procedure. An over-the-counter pain reliever or use of artificial tears will generally take care of this discomfort. PRK and LASEK patients experience more post-operative discomfort for three to five days while the epithelium heals.

Isn't all laser vision correction the same? (Top)

No. Many of the discount LASIK centers want you to believe that LASIK should be purchased like a commodity and that surgeon experience, lasers, diagnostic technology and follow-up care don’t matter. Laser vision correction will affect the way you see for the rest of your life. You should make your decision to have laser vision carefully, not quickly.

How long does LASIK take? (Top)

From beginning to end the patient will be in the office between 1 1/2 to 2 hrs. The refractive coordinator will prepare the patient for surgery and go over drops prior to the procedure, this takes about 30 minutes. Since both eyes are usually treated during the same appointment, you will be in the surgery room for approximately 30 minutes. Once in the laser room your eyes will be cleaned and prepared for surgery. The surgery itself usually only takes five minutes or so per eye. After surgery the patient will sit for 15-30 minutes with their eyes closed.

Does LASIK cause dry eye? (Top)

Following a LASIK procedure, every patient has temporary dry eye, which can be treated most often with artificial tears. This dry eye sensation usually clears up in eight to 12 weeks except in rare cases, where it may take longer. If you have dry eye, you should discuss it with your doctor at your pre-op examination. Tests can often diagnose dry eye but it is still somewhat difficult to predict who will experience significant dry eye following LASIK. A thorough evaluation of your current medications, medical history and work environment should all be taken into account.

What is the difference between PRK, LASIK and LASEK? (Top)

The difference between PRK, LASIK and LASEK is how the outermost layer of the cornea (corneal epithelium) is treated during the laser vision correction procedure.

How much should I pay for laser vision correction? (Top)

The cost of vision correction varies among practices, based on what the center includes in the fee. We are not the least expensive providers because we never sacrifice safety to save you money. We have invested heavily in advanced laser technology and our diagnostic technology is second to none. This investment is extremely important to surgical results and our patients tell us they can see the difference. We encourage you to visit other laser centers and compare. It’s only natural to want to get the best price, but remember, quality and service are extremely important when it comes to medical care. After all, laser vision correction is a procedure you’ll have only once in your lifetime and your vision is one of your most important assets. The best way to find out exactly what your price will be is to come in for an exam. After a comprehensive evaluation to determine what procedures you’re a candidate for and what degree of correction you need, we’ll be able to give you a specific price.

What is LASIK and how does it work? (Top)

LASIK is an acronym that stands for Laser in-situ Keratomileusis, which means to shape the cornea, using a laser. Using an instrument called a microkeratome, a thin flap of corneal tissue is folded back. The excimer laser is then used to precisely remove a predetermined amount of tissue from the inner cornea to correct the nearsightedness, astigmatism, or farsightedness. The corneal flap is then repositioned without stitches, and the eye is then operated on.


*Located inside Madison Health Plex Performance Center*

Hours of Operation



8:00 am - 4:30 pm


8:00 am - 4:30 pm


8:00 am - 4:30 pm


8:00 am - 4:30 pm


8:00 am - 12:00 pm





8:00 am - 4:30 pm
8:00 am - 4:30 pm
8:00 am - 4:30 pm
8:00 am - 4:30 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm